10 Facts You Must Read Before You Die

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So you decided to read, huh? Do not worry our team at Blogreedy won’t make you regret your choice in this blog, but you’ll have to promise us that you’ll also read the descriptions along with the title. So, here we present to you the "list of 10 facts on universe you must read before you die”. So without wasting your time let’s proceed to the list of must-read facts-

#1 One million million million million kilometers (570 thousand million million million miles) – the diameter of the observable universe.

What if I had this much money? Perhaps, it would take me million million days to figure out how many million million days it would take me to count if I had this much money! Found this interesting, didn’t ya? Well, the next one is better!

#2 Supergiant stars can grow to 1 billion times the volume of the sun

For those who don’t know, A supergiant is a very aged star on its way to self -destruct itself. (For those who thought that old people bent instead of growing in height!)

#3 If the sun were the size of a basketball, Earth would be a pea 83 m (270ft) away!

When I was in class 2, nothing seemed larger to me than my neighborhood park!

#4 22 km (14 miles) – the height of Olympus Mons volcano on Mars!

Wait! What! Didn’t someone once told me that Mount Everest was the tallest mountain with a height of 8.848 km on earth? On EARTH? Okay! Okay! Now I got it.

#5 1300 – the number of Earths that could fit inside Jupiter’s volume!

I would be the happiest on the planet if I could just keep a quarter of that much clothes in my wardrobe or if that many people like this blog!

#6 6000 years – the length of time it would take to count the Milky Way’s stars at a rate of one a second!

So, you got to tell this to your kids the next time, they be stubborn to count the stars in the sky, all credits to this list of 10 awesome facts on universe!

#7 13 billion years – the age of the oldest known star!

It isn’t that old! I have a refrigerator as old as that in my house. To help me buy a new refrigerator by donating, click here.

#8 24,000 degree Celsius (43,000 degree Fahrenheit) – the estimated temperature of Jupiter’s core!

Did you know that? No. People don’t know these facts generally. That’s why I was having a tough time deciding whether to name this article – “list of 10 unknown facts on universe” or “10 facts you must read before you die”!

#9 6 million – The number of times the brightest stars emit more light than the sun!

So, let me see, here on earth we are advised not to look at the sun directly. Maybe there we will be advised not to keep eyes!

#10 5 billion tones – the weight of one teaspoonful of material from the core of a neutron star!

As a reader of facts on universe, you should know that a neutron star is the result of an exploded supergiant, which is about three times heavier than the sun, yet just a few kilometers wide! Here, the case is just opposite to Saturn.

We hope that you liked our article of list of awesome facts on universe or list of unknown facts on universe, whatever you prefer to say (I am still having a tough time in the title part!)

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